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The dance year loosely follows the school year and is 9 months and runs from Mid September through Mid June.

2018 - Studio All.jpg

Spring (Apr - June)

During the third session the focus is almost solely dedicated to preparation for the spring recital. Spring Recital is usually late May or June and may be one or two evenings!

Winter (Jan - Mar)

The second session builds on the first session and is a good blend of technique and choreography. During this session students should be committed to the spring recital as teachers are working on dances and costumes have been ordered.

Fall Session (Sep - Dec)

The first session kicks off the dance year and is a great time to try out Studio 11 if you are new to dance. Class is more focused on technique with little or no choreography.

Summer (Jun - Aug)

The summer session is a great opportunity to have fun and focus on technique in a more laid back environment. In addition to 1-2 classes per week, there is a one week camp.

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